SAT Practice and Preparation – SAT Suite (2024)

Digital SAT Suite of Assessments

From free practice tests to a checklist of what to bring on test day, College Board provides everything you need to prepare for the digital SAT.


Step 1: Now

Download and install the Bluebook app.

Step 2: Two Weeks Before Test Day

Take a full-length practice test in Bluebook.

Step 3: Five Days Before Test Day

Complete exam setup in Bluebook and get your admission ticket.

Step 4: On Test Day

Arrive on time (check your admission ticket).

Studying and Practice Tests

Practice Tests

Find full-length practice tests on Bluebook™ as well as downloadable linear SAT practice tests.

Start Practicing

Khan Academy

Official Digital SAT Prep on Khan Academy® is free, comprehensive, and available to all students.

Go to Khan Academy

Assistive Technology

Get information on how to practice for the digital SAT if you're using assistive technology.

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SAT Practice and Preparation – SAT Suite (1)

My Practice

Take full-length digital SAT practice exams by first downloading Bluebook and completing practice tests. Then sign into My Practice to view practice test results and review practice exam items, answers, and explanations.

Download Bluebook

What to Bring and Do on Test Day

Find out everything you need to bring and do for the digital SAT.

Get Ready for Test Day



SAT Student Guide

This guide provides helpful information for students taking the SAT during a weekend administration in Fall 2024.

  • PDF
  • 954.09 KB


SAT School Day Student Guide

Find information about the SAT School Day, with advice about preparing for and taking the test. The guide also includes the testing rules.

  • PDF
  • 11.1 MB


SAT Practice Quick Start Guide

Learn how to use Bluebook and My Practice with this step-by-step guide.

  • PDF
  • 1.83 MB


Guía de inicio rápido de la práctica

Aprende cómo practicar para el SAT con esta guía de inicio rápido.

  • PDF
  • 731.15 KB


Why Should I Practice for the SAT?

This resource informs students about the benefits of practicing for the SAT and provides links to free practice resources.

  • PDF
  • 502.53 KB


¿Por qué debería practicar para el SAT?

Este folleto ofrece información sobre los beneficios de practicar para el SAT e incluye enlaces hacia recursos de práctica.

  • PDF
  • 173.99 KB


A Parent/Guardian's Guide to Official SAT Practice: Getting Your Teen Ready for the SAT

This resource provides parents and guardians with a schedule outline to help their child prepare for the SAT and includes links to free official practice materials.

  • PDF
  • 1.03 MB


A Parent/Guardian's Guide to Official SAT Practice: Getting Your Teen Ready for the SAT (Spanish)

This resource provides parents and guardians with a schedule outline to help their child prepare for the SAT and includes links to free official practice materials.

  • PDF
  • 326.09 KB


SAT Suite Question Bank: Overview
SAT Practice and Preparation – SAT Suite (2024)


Are SAT answer services worth it? ›

Using every tool available helps students improve ACT and SAT test scores. Registering for the “Question and Answer” service is a logical and valuable tool for students. Remember that materials can take up to 6 weeks to arrive after the test. Remind students to plan their next testing date with that in mind.

Can you get a 1600 on the SAT with wrong answers? ›

Generally speaking, you can miss 1-2 questions on each section and still get a perfect 1600. How many questions you can miss on each section and still hit your target score will depend on your exam's difficulty level and how raw scores convert into scaled scores for that particular test.

How many hours of SAT prep is enough? ›

What the Experts Say. Most experts agree that students should spend approximately 5 to 20 hours each week for about three months studying for the SAT. The total number of hours is greatly dependent on each student's individual goals.

How many wrong answers do you need to get 1500 on the SAT? ›

Balancing your SAT score

Studying smartly and playing to your strengths will help you get 1500+ on your SAT. For instance, you need at least 55 out of 58 questions correct in the Maths section, 41 out of 44 in the Writing & Language section, and 48 out of 52 in the Reading section to score a 1500+ on your SAT.

Can you get an 800 on SAT with wrong answers? ›

answering a question incorrectly results in the same score. Typically, to get an 800 in Math, you cannot miss any questions because you need to get a raw score of 58 (out of 58 questions). Occasionally, an SAT will allow you to get one wrong answer in Math as you can see on Tests 4 and 8.

Does SAT prep actually help? ›

The study found that students who participated in test preparation programs showed significant improvement in their scores on standardized tests, including the SAT and ACT, compared to students who did not participate in these programs.

Did Will Smith get a 1600 on the SAT? ›

Will Smith SAT score was a perfect 1600. A rare score few people have earned. Despite this incredible score, Will chose not to attend college, did not even enroll, and decided to pursue his career in music.

Is a 800 bad on SAT? ›

With scores ranging from 400 to 1600 and more than 1.7 million students nationwide taking the SAT each year, the average score range is between 1000-1100. A score of 800 falls significantly below that national average and is about the 8th percentile of all test takers, which means that 92% received a higher score.

What is the lowest SAT score Harvard has accepted? ›

Harvard SAT Score Analysis

There's no absolute SAT requirement at Harvard, but they really want to see at least a 1460 to have a chance at being considered.

Is it worth taking the SAT 3 times? ›

According to the College Board, most students improve their scores significantly when they retake the test, but the score gains are smaller for each successive test. So, while you can take the SAT as many times as you want, it may not be worth it to retake the test more than three or four times.

Is 2 weeks enough to study for SAT? ›

Two weeks isn't a lot of time to prepare, but it will give you ample time to at least practice your ability to take tests. For this reason, it's a good idea to do plenty of sample tests. Time yourself and go through the motions of the SATs.

Can you miss a question and still get a 1600? ›

That conversion chart is different every test date and scaled to other students who took the test. This means there could potentially be a bit of wiggle room, allowing you to miss a few questions and still get a perfect 1600.

How rare is a 1500 SAT? ›

A 1500 SAT score puts you at the 95th percentile, meaning you scored higher than 95% of all other test takers.

Is a 1200 a good SAT score? ›

A 1200 is an above average score that places you in approximately the 74th percentile of all high school students taking the exam. A score of 1200 makes it possible to apply to the vast majority of schools throughout the nation and be competitive for admission at a sizable number of colleges.

Are SAT tutors worth it? ›

Accountability & motivation so you stay on track

This is where an ACT or SAT tutor can make a significant difference. By working with a tutor, you gain a sense of accountability. Your tutor will keep you on track, ensuring you follow your study plan and complete assignments on time.

What does SAT answer service do? ›

The SAT Question and Answer Service (QAS) is an option offered to students taking the SAT in March, May, and October. The QAS includes a copy of the SAT questions from the specific test date and a report showing a student's answers.

Is the official SAT study guide worth it? ›

The Official SAT Study Guide is the most important book to have in your prep program. Nearly every student who's serious about SAT prep has this in his or her library. Even despite its obvious strengths, the book has its major drawbacks, and it will not be enough for most students.

Is SAT qas legit? ›

The QAS is almost always a good investment for students seeking to improve their scores, because it allows you to fully review the entirety of your test. This helps you determine which types of questions you need to prepare for more when you are studying to retake the test.

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Author: Trent Wehner

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Reviews: 87% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

Phone: +18698800304764

Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.